Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Gajar Koshimbir

Koshimbir in marathi is similar to raita. Any combination of salad items with yoghurt or lemon juice can make a wonderful koshimbir. Maharashtrian favourite danyacha kut( coarsly grounded roasted peanuts) is also added to few of them.
This Gajar koshimbir is quick and can me made with minimun hassle. Its made with just 5 ingredients including salt. My mom made this for me once and since then it has become a regular in my household too.

3 medium sized carrots grated
1 green chilli chopped
Juice of 1 lemon
Coarsly grounded roasted peanuts
Salt as per taste

Just mix all ingredients together and the gajar koshimbir is ready to accompany your favourite food.

Don't go on its simplicity. Make it once and taste it for yourself. Its really very crunchy, tangy and will add a burst of flavour to your every bite. Enjoy!